Grants awarded
You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.
We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
The next generation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare
To support an initiative to make educational materials from MIT’s undergraduate- and graduate-level courses freely available online.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Core funding
To enable Public.Resource.Org to expand its work in three key areas: access to edicts of government, text and data mining and access to knowledge.
5 years
Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property
American University Washington College of Law
For research and advocacy at the World Intellectual Property Office to secure reforms for greater access to scholarly research through exceptions to copyright law.
3 years
Reforms to Deliver the Right to Culture, Learning and Research through Libraries
To promote copyright law reform and regulation at EU and national level to enable libraries to facilitate greater access to and use of copyrighted works for cultural, educational and research purposes.
3 years
To support the ‘Open Access Button’ project to help libraries improve users’ access to research articles.
4 years
Digitizing historical Swedish newspapers II
To digitize Swedish newspapers that are out of copyright (1645-1906) and make them freely available online.
2 years
Core costs
To support Open Syllabus in its mission to gather and analyse academic syllabi and make this information freely available online.
3 years
Strategic influence on digital policy making in the EU
To set up and support a strategic advocacy organization that will increase the ability of the open movement to strategically influence digital policy-making in the European Union.
4 years
Advancing open access
To help support general management, staff, IT equipment and training, fundraising, and governance.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Next generation library publishing
To develop new, cost-effective and community-governed open-access publishing tools and services for authors, editors and readers.
3 years