Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 21-40 of 451 results.

Grant recipient

Core support



1 year

Halcyon Land & Sea and core support

Halcyon Programmes and core support



3.5 years

Biodiversity and habitat governance

To support ClientEarth to use legal systems to develop and enforce biodiversity and habitat governance. ClientEarth will support the implementation of global policies and commitments to ensure terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems are appropriately safeguarded, managed and restored.



5 years

EU Nature Restoration Law

To provide support to environmental organisations, citizen groups and grassroots movements in a set of key EU Member States to strengthen the EU’s negotiation of the Nature Restoration Law.



1 year

To support a new staff editor

Towards the costs of a new staff editor for Places Journal - a free scholarly publication dedicated to architecture, landscape and urbanism, and promoting equitable cities and resilient landscapes.



5 years

Towards the Wikimedia endowment



1 year

Towards core costs



1 year

Towards the costs of running the museum

Towards the costs of running the museum



1 year

Advancing open access



1 year

Legacy Landscapes Fund match grants

Match funding to create endowments for Chiribiquete (Colombia), Makira-Masoala (Madagascar) and Tambrauw (Indonesia).



1 year

WCS - Legacy Landscapes Fund

To provide Legacy Landscapes Fund with match funding for Wildlife Conservation Society's (WCS) Leuser Ecosystem bid in Sumatra, Indonesia.



5 years

Support for Blue Ventures’ core operations.

Support for Blue Ventures’ core operations.



5 years

Ocean campaign

To support the Environmental Justice Foundation's ocean campaign to end illegal fishing and protect marine biodiversity



5 years

Liberating taxonomic treatments

To continue to build a public access repository of species descriptions and images ‘liberated’ from in-copyright journal articles, and to automate this process of liberation in future by integrating it into publishers’ systems.



3 years

COMMUNIA International Association for the Public Domain

To develop policies and legal strategies to expand and strengthen the public domain, ensuring that everyone can always freely reuse public domain content. The project will also aim to develop user rights (of both individual and institutional users) to access and share content with legal clarity for the beneficiaries of exceptions and limitations.



8 years

Project Notify

To help scholarly communities organise peer-review of preprints and working papers through a not-for-profit, university-governed ecosystem, bypassing commercial publishers.



4 years

Redalyc + AmeliCA

To provide core support to Redalyc&AmeliCA to improve discoverability and open access to journals without author-fees (‘diamond OA’).



10 years

Core support to Global Canopy

To provide Global Canopy with core support to target the market forces destroying nature.



4 years

Modern Endangered Archives Program

The Modern Endangered Archives Program gives grants to digitize endangered archival materials from the 20th and 21st centuries. The programme supports projects that digitize printed materials, manuscripts, photographs, audio-visual recordings and born-digital materials from the mid-20th century onwards. All of the digitized materials are freely available online.

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8 years

Advancing rewilding across Europe

To continue advancing and scaling up rewilding across Europe through the development of innovative rewilding models, starting a new initiative to accelerate wildlife comeback in Europe.



5 years