Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 61-80 of 120 results.


Grant recipient

Documentation of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa

To continue support for the documentation of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa using satellite imagery and on the ground survey.



5 years

3D-scanning of heritage sites in Syria and Iraq

To create 3D scans of monuments in Syria and to publish all materials online for free.



1 year

Historical Ice Core Project

To continue extraction and interpretation of data from an ice core documenting European climate in the last 3,500 years.



3 years

Documentation of archaeological archives in Egypt

To provide on-the-job training in digital documentation for Egyptian heritage specialists, to digitize and publish online glass plate photographs of early archaeological displays.



2 years

Documentation of rock-cut churches in Ethiopia

To document the disappearing craft of cutting rock churches in Ethiopia and to make the videos and other documentary material available online for free.



3 years

Endangered Languages Documentation Programme

The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme gives grants to linguists and community members to document languages around the world that are at risk of falling silent. The programme makes the digital documentation of these languages freely available online.



7 years

Developing non-destructive methods to read texts in mummy cartonnages

To assess the feasibility of nondestructive digital imaging technology to read texts on papyri in mummy cartonnages. All data, findings and methodologies will be freely available online for further research.



2 years

Documentation of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa.

To create a database of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa using satellite imagery and on the ground survey.



3 years

Documentation of Kalmyk heritage

To document the endangered cultural heritage of the Kalmyks and Oirats, and to create an open-access digital archive of this material.



5 years

History of Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

To support the research and publication of Professor Joseph Dan's multi-volume history of Jewish mysticism and esotericism.



3 years

Sinai Palimpsest Project open access online publication

To provide open access online publication of multispectral images produced by the Sinai Palimpsest Project, which documents the manuscripts in St. Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai



2 years

Documenting Mandaean rituals and religious traditions

To document the rituals and priestly knowledge of the Mandaeans and to make the records available for free online.



3 years

The Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History

To endow the Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History



1 year

Operating and acquisition costs

To preserve, catalogue and digitise Cold War era (1945-1991) artefacts, artworks and archives from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.



5 years

Preserving Bhutan's cultural heritage

To document the oral traditions of Bhutan and make the records available for free online.



5 years

National Anthropological Archives

To digitize a collection of ethnographic sound recordings and associated manuscripts and to make it available for free online.



3 years

Historical Ice Core Project

To document and interpret historical environmental data captured in an ice core from a glacier in the Alps.



4 years

Exploration and conservation of African rock art

To survey, document and conserve rock art sites across Africa.



0 years

College fellows fund

To support Harvard College Fellows Program



4 years

Endowment to Department of History

To establish the Endowed History Department Chair and History Department Chair Quasi-Endowment Fund.



5 years