Grants awarded
You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.
We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated March 2025). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.
To build and protect strong legislative mechanisms for nature conservation and restoration in Europe.
To support sound implementation of nature legislation in Europe, with a focus on forest resilience.
2.5 years
Oceans 5 General Fund
To support a collaborative grant programme to help stop overfishing, establish marine protected areas, and constrain offshore oil and gas development, to provide lasting benefits to coastal communities and the world’s oceans.
5 years
Eternal Mongolia - Mongolia Conservation Trust Fund
To complete the match fund for a newly established Mongolia Conservation Trust Fund which will oversee the Eternal Mongolia Project Finance for Permanence initiative.
5 years
Core support
Core support for TRAFFIC’s work to reduce illegal and unsustainable trade in wild species, and increase social, economic, and environmental benefits for people though legal and sustainable trade in wild species.
6 years
Protecting biodiversity through law
Scoping grant to explore a regranting programme on protecting biodiversity through law.
1 year
Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme
To support a grant programme to support large-scale projects to restore biodiversity-rich terrestrial and marine habitats across Europe at the Cambridge Conservation Initiative.
Learn more$71,648,800
8 years
Joint 30x30 Funding Initiative
To support a joint grant programme with Bloomberg Philanthropies for work towards the target of protecting 30% of the world’s marine and coastal areas by 2030.
Learn more$25,000,000
5 years
Legacy Landscapes Fund match grants
Match funding to create long-term endowments for the conservation of large landscapes centred on Chiribiquete (Colombia), Makira-Masoala (Madagascar) and Tambrauw (Indonesia).
1 year
Halcyon Land & Sea and core support
To provide core support for Fauna & Flora and to support its work with local partners and communities to protect and restore important at-risk and biodiversity-rich natural habitats.
3.5 years
Saving Nature's Strongholds
To support long-term conservation by establishing or expanding protected areas and strengthening conservation of the most important existing wilderness areas.
2 years
Biodiversity and habitat governance
To support ClientEarth’s work using legal systems to develop and enforce biodiversity and habitat governance.
5 years
Preserving Climate-Critical Rainforests
To constrain the role of finance in the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests and related human rights abuses. This is vital for combatting global climate change and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
5 years
EU Nature Restoration Law
To provide support to environmental organizations, citizen groups and grassroots movements to strengthen the EU’s negotiation of the Nature Restoration Law.
1 year
Core costs to the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
To support DSCC’s work to protect deep-sea ecosystems from fishing and mining, and strengthen biodiversity conservation and governance in international oceans.
3 years
Core support to re:wild
To provide core support to re:wild to help it expand its work as a regranting partner and fiscal sponsor for nature conservation organizations worldwide.
5 years
WCS - Legacy Landscapes Fund
To provide match funding for a long-term endowment from the Legacy Landscape Fund for the conservation of the Leuser Ecosystem in Sumatra, Indonesia.
5 years
Advancing rewilding across Europe
To promote nature restoration across Europe through the development of innovative models, including a grant programme to accelerate wildlife comeback in Europe.
5 years
Safeguarding the ocean for future generations: Advancing equity science and capacity
To support the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI), so it can continue to provide evidence-based advice to inform international policy on the management and conservation of the deep ocean.
10 years
Cambridge Conservation Initiative: Masters in Conservation Leadership
Masters in Conservation Leadership - University of Cambridge
To enable students from biodiversity-rich, cash-poor countries to participate in the Cambridge MPhil in Conservation Leadership.
10 years
Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI)
To provide training for people working in conservation in Asia and Central and South America.
5 years