European Open Rivers Programme
Grant recipient Stichting European Open Rivers Programme
Total awarded $50,000,000
Years 2021-2027
Funding area Conserving and restoring nature
Priority On-site conservation
Programme site https://openrivers.eu
The Open Rivers Programme, hosted by Stichting Open Rivers, awards grants for the removal of redundant dams, weirs and other river barriers across Europe, in order to allow rivers to flow naturally and biodiversity to flourish.
There are over one million barriers on European rivers, making them some of the most fragmented and degraded in the world. The programme’s vision is to create free-flowing rivers with healthy, diverse, and connected ecosystems, which are enjoyed, valued, and protected by the communities that depend on them. It funds projects which help preparations for dam removal as well as demolition works.
Since it started in 2022 the programme has awarded 90 grants. The Open Rivers Programme awards grants on an ad-hoc basis. Calls for applications and deadlines can be found on their online portal.
Project examples

A dam being removed on the Bayurivka river. Courtesy of WWF Ukraine.
Bayurivka dam removal
The Open Rivers Programme provided support to WWF-Ukraine to remove a 120-year-old dam deep in the Carpathian Mountains, one of the few places in Europe with true wilderness remaining. Despite the war with Russia, WWF-Ukraine successfully completed the project in 2022 and restored the flow in 27 km of river. Protected fish species can now return upstream to their traditional spawning grounds, and species like brown bears and otters will also benefit from the restored habitat.

Scotton Weir during removal. Courtesy of Jonathan Grey, Wild Trout trust.
Scotton weir removal
The programme funded the largest weir removal in the UK to date by providing support to the Wild Trout Trust to remove the 75m wide and 4m high Scotton Weir. The removal reconnected 35km of river and tributaries on the River Nidd in Yorkshire, England. The programme expects that the removal will function as a catalyst for additional removals along the river.
The European Open Rivers Programme is one of our five nature grant programmes. Grant programmes are hosted by trusted partners. Our partners help us to determine where our support is most needed and distribute grants to individuals and organizations.
Banner image: Aschach River Austria. Courtesy of Eggar, WWF Austria.