Grants awarded

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We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 41-60 of 124 results.


Grant recipient

Acquisition of six properties in Argentina and Chile

To acquire properties of strategic value in Argentina and Chile to expand existing park areas, rewild degraded landscapes, and advance biodiversity conservation.



5 years

Improving Biodiversity

Towards the restoration of the historic lake, construction of the new lake, and other work that improves the biodiversity of the garden.



1 year

Advancing Rewilding in Europe

To support Rewilding Europe to increase its impact in making Europe a wilder place via three targeted activities: encouraging wildlife comeback; improving policy frameworks to facilitate rewilding; and developing new rewilding models to mobilise financial sector support to rewilding.



3 years

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership – Threatened Biodiversity Hotspots Programme

To collect seeds and build in-country conservation capacity in biodiverse hotspots experiencing rapid and drastic land use changes.



5 years

Nature's Strongholds programme

To support WCS in securing long-term conservation through a portfolio of nature strongholds - establishing or expanding protected areas and strengthening conservation of the most important existing wilderness areas.



4 years

Core support to Conservation Leadership Programme

To increase the overall impact and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Conservation Leadership Programme



6 years

Marine Wildlife Protection

To protect and restore marine life and ecosystems in some of the most biodiverse areas of the oceans through policy changes at the national and regional levels



7 years

Core costs

Towards ECF's infrastructure and to tackle some of the most pressing political challenges in Europe



1 year

Mountain Willow Project

To propagate and plant rare and hard to grow montane scrub willow species



5 years

Patagonia National Park

To create a continuous area of protected natural landscape by purchasing land adjacent to the Patagonia Park, which contains key access points and valuable habitat for threatened wildlife.



1 year

Deep Sea Conservation Coalition

To support the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) to continue its mission to protect deep-sea species and ecosystems from the harmful impacts of fishing and mining, and to strengthen and enhance biodiversity conservation and governance in international oceans.



5 years

Wildlife Defence Programme

To enforce the laws that protect European wildlife and habitats through targeted litigation and other legal interventions, supported and complemented by strategic advocacy and capacity building with partners across Europe.



5 years

Conservation of Freshwater Biodiversity in Key River Ecosystems

To influence how rivers are governed, protected in law, and valued through planning and management, with the aim of ensuring that rivers are used sustainably and can continue to perform their critical biodiversity functions.



5 years

Conservation of East Asian-Australasian Flyway

To address threats and restore degraded habitats in the Yellow Sea region in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.



5 years

On the ground conservation work in the trust's wildlife reserves

Towards work on the Perthshire wildlife reserves and on the Largiebaan restoration project



1 year

Ibera National Park



1 year

Oceans Campaign

To support the Environmental Justice Foundation's Oceans Campaign to end illegal fishing and protect marine biodiversity, with a focus on West Africa and South-East Asia.



5 years

Endangered Landscapes Programme

The Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme gives grants for large-scale restoration projects across Europe’s land and seas. The programme supports projects that will restore extensive areas of terrestrial and marine habitat so that they are resilient and self-sustaining.

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7 years

Deep-sea biodiversity conservation in areas beyond national jurisdiction

To enable the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative to provide expert input into the negotiations of the incipient UN treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (UN BBNJ) and International Seabed Authority (ISA) mining regulations, to ensure that they are fit for purpose and enforceable.



5 years

Halcyon Programmes and core institutional support

To consolidate and expand the success of both the Halcyon Land & Sea Fund and the Halcyon Marine Programme to date, increasing their focus on long-term sustainability, and addressing the recommendations from Arcadia’s external evaluation of both programmes.



6 years