Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 81-100 of 125 results.


Grant recipient

Advancing Rewilding in Europe

To support work to restore nature in Europe by: encouraging wildlife comeback, improving policy frameworks to facilitate rewilding, and developing new models to mobilise financial sector support for rewilding.



3 years

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership

To collect seeds and build in-country conservation capacity in biodiverse hotspots experiencing rapid and drastic land use changes.



6 years

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership

To collect seeds and build in-country conservation capacity in biodiverse hotspots experiencing rapid and drastic land use changes.



5 years

Improving Biodiversity

Towards the restoration of the historic lake, construction of the new lake, and other work to improve the biodiversity of the gardens at the RHS Bridgewater site.



1 year

On the ground conservation work in the trust's wildlife reserves

Towards work on the Perthshire wildlife reserves and on the Largiebaan restoration project.



1 year

Field book project - South America

To digitize travellers’ and naturalists’ field manuscripts on South America from 1800 to 2000 and make them freely available online.



3 years

Rainforest seed conservation

To develop techniques for storing seeds not suitable for traditional seed preservation methods.



5 years

Eternal Mongolia - Mongolia Conservation Trust Fund

To complete the match fund for a newly established Mongolia Conservation Trust Fund which will oversee the Eternal Mongolia Project Finance for Permanence initiative.



5 years

To support the Wildlife Justice Commission’s (WJC’s) core operations.

To support WJC’s mission to support the investigation and prosecution of high-level wildlife crime cases.



5 years

Ecosystem connectivity in threatened South American landscapes

To work with local partners to conserve and manage threatened high-biodiversity areas.



3 years

The Age of Extinction series

To support the Age of Extinction series, a reporting project that aims to draw attention to the global biodiversity crisis.



3 years

Influencing public policy on climate change

To support work on global climate change agreements.



1 year

Acquisition of six properties in Argentina and Chile

To acquire properties of strategic value in Argentina and Chile to expand existing park areas, rewild degraded landscapes and advance biodiversity conservation.



5 years

Patagonia National Park

To create a continuous area of protected natural landscape by purchasing ecologically important land next to Patagonia Park in Chile.



2 years

Patagonia National Park

To create a continuous area of protected natural landscape by purchasing ecologically important land next to Patagonia Park in Chile.



1 year

Reducing Trade Threats to Africa’s Wild Species and Ecosystems (ReTTa)

To strengthen actions to reduce the illegal and unsustainable trade of African wild species to Asia through data gathering, information sharing, engagement and innovative interventions.



4 years

Mountain Willow Project

To propagate and plant rare and hard-to-grow montane scrub willow species.



5 years

Conservation training in Africa

To provide core support to help the Association develop its training for African biodiversity conservation professionals.



3 years

Conservation training in Madagascar

To train young Malagasy, African and European biologists for careers in conservation.



1 year

Conservation training in Madagascar

To train young Malagasy, African and European biologists for careers in conservation.



1 year