Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 1-20 of 47 results.

Grant recipient

Protecting biodiversity through law

Scoping grant for ELAW to explore a regranting programme on protecting biodiversity through law



1 year

Marine protection fund

The Marine Protection Fund gives grants for work towards the target of protecting 30% of the world’s marine and coastal areas by 2030. It supports Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, non-government organizations and governments working in coastal areas, national waters and the high seas.

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5 years

Preserving Climate-Critical Rainforests

To constrain the role of finance in the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests and related human rights abuses, which is vital to combatting global climate change and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.



5 years

Core costs to the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition

To support the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition to continue its mission to protect deep-sea species and ecosystems from the harmful impacts of fishing and mining, and to strengthen and enhance biodiversity conservation and governance in international oceans.



3 years

Biodiversity and habitat governance

To support ClientEarth to use legal systems to develop and enforce biodiversity and habitat governance. ClientEarth will support the implementation of global policies and commitments to ensure terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems are appropriately safeguarded, managed and restored.



5 years

EU Nature Restoration Law

To provide support to environmental organisations, citizen groups and grassroots movements in a set of key EU Member States to strengthen the EU’s negotiation of the Nature Restoration Law.



1 year

Support for Blue Ventures’ core operations.

Support for Blue Ventures’ core operations.



5 years

Ocean campaign

To support the Environmental Justice Foundation's ocean campaign to end illegal fishing and protect marine biodiversity



5 years

Core support to Global Canopy

To provide Global Canopy with core support to target the market forces destroying nature.



4 years

Safeguarding the ocean for future generations: Advancing equity, science and capacity

To support the operations of the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI), so that it can continue to provide evidence-based advice to inform international policy concerning the management and conservation of the deep ocean.



10 years

The Age of Extinction series

To support the Age of Extinction series, a reporting project that aims to draw attention to the global biodiversity crisis. This grant will help sustain increased capacity and expand reporting on the planet’s biodiversity crisis, driving measurable impact through Guardian journalism.



3 years

To support the Wildlife Justice Commission’s (WJC’s) core operations.

To conduct intelligence-led, undercover investigations to gather evidence, working closely with law enforcement agencies to support the investigation and prosecution of high-level wildlife crime cases.



5 years

Support for the Environmental Governance Programme

To support the Forest Peoples Programme’s (FPP) environmental governance programme and its efforts to protect terrestrial biodiversity.



5 years

Empowering legal actors working to protect global biodiversity

To provide robust legal, scientific, and organizational support to help lawyers in under-resourced regions win legal victories that protect biodiversity, and to build local capacity to protect biodiversity in years to come.



5 years

Towards work on soil carbon sequestration.

To develop a scientific foundation for agricultural soil carbon credits.



4 years

Pesticide Free Towns



1 year

Protected Planet

Towards the core costs of the Protected Planet platform



5 years

Earth Investigations Programme

The Earth Investigations Programme awards grants to support environmental investigative journalism on European affairs inside and outside Europe. The programme supports projects that aim to expose injustices, create pressure on those in power and mobilize action to protect nature and people.

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6 years

Oceans 5 Partnership

Oceans 5 gives grants to help stop overfishing, establish marine protected areas, and constrain offshore oil and gas development. The programme supports projects that provide lasting benefits to coastal communities and the world’s oceans.

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3 years

Intelligence and action against wildlife trade (ReTTA Phase II)

To strengthen actions to reduce the illegal and unsustainable trade of African wild species to Asia through data gathering, information sharing, engagement and innovative interventions.



5 years