Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 15 results.

Grant recipient

FragDenStaat: Democratising Public Databases

To obtain and openly publish online German government documents and information that ought to be freely available online



4 years

Liberating taxonomic treatments

To continue to build a public access repository of species descriptions and images ‘liberated’ from in-copyright journal articles, and to automate this process of liberation in future by integrating it into publishers’ systems.



3 years

COMMUNIA International Association for the Public Domain

To develop policies and legal strategies to expand and strengthen the public domain, ensuring that everyone can always freely reuse public domain content. The project will also aim to develop user rights (of both individual and institutional users) to access and share content with legal clarity for the beneficiaries of exceptions and limitations.



8 years

control ©

To advance all forms of freedom of communication. This includes defending freedom of expression, information, the press, the arts and the sciences, wherever these rights are constrained by copyright and information laws.



3 years

Advancing open access at galleries, libraries, archives, and museums

To help more of the world’s public art galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM institutions) make their collections data and images available under open Creative Commons licences or waivers.



5 years

Strengthening open access in the USA.

To secure a national open access policy requiring immediate open access to all US federally-funded research outputs; to promote measurable changes in the ways universities and research funders incentivise and reward the open sharing of research outputs; and to catalyze actions to secure academic community control of key research communication infrastructure.



3 years

Core funding

To enable Public.Resource.Org to expand its work in three key areas: edicts of government, text and data mining and access to knowledge.



5 years

Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property

The project will produce high impact research, provide training to a global network of change makers, and connect a global expert network to a global community of researchers, libraries, museums, archives and digital rights activists active in international copyright policy making.



3 years

Reforms to Deliver the Right to Culture, Learning and Research through Libraries

To bring reforms to copyright law and regulation that enable libraries to provide greater possibilities to access and use of copyrighted works. To promote reform at the European and national levels, and provide valuable examples for the rest of the world



3 years

Strategic influence on digital policy making in the EU

To set up and support a strategic advocacy organisation that will increase the capacity of the open movement to strategically influence digital policy making in the European Union.



4 years

The Lumen Database

Lumen is the definitive online source for worldwide requests to remove content from the Internet. Lumen collects and studies online content removal requests, providing transparency and supporting the analysis of the web’s takedown ecology, in terms of who sends requests, why, and to what ends. Lumen also seeks to facilitate research about different kinds of complaints and requests for removal — legitimate and questionable — that are sent to Internet publishers, platforms, and service providers. Ultimately, the project aims to both educate the public about the dynamics of this aspect of online participatory culture and provide a robust data source for researchers, journalists and policy makers focused on related issues.



3 years

Achieving open access through copyright reform

This grant will be used to address the current stalemate over adoption of open access publishing models for research and scholarship by developing a viable program of copyright legislative reform on an international scale through consultation with leading intellectual property experts in the US, Canada, UK, and EU. The starting point for this reform is a proposal to identify research and scholarship as a distinct category of intellectual property for which publishers will have a right to be fairly compensated for publication costs by research libraries and research funders on making the work immediately available to the public



2 years

Core funding

To digitize and give open access to legal documents, technical standards, traditional knowledge, scientific knowledge, edicts of government, and safety standards that should be in the public domain.



3 years

Liberating species descriptions from in-copyright journal articles

Supporting ongoing efforts to liberate taxonomic data from scientific publications, making them findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), and creating a critical mass to make the resulting repository and tools the de facto standards in the taxonomic community.



3 years

Developing a new sustainable membership model

To support the development of resources for scholarly communications officers, librarians, and other individuals who train faculty, covering subject areas such as open access, fair use, publication contracts, rights reversion and termination of transfer



2 years