Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 4 results.

Creative Commons

Grant recipient

Campaign to Increase Open Access to Research on Climate and Biodiversity

Towards enabling Creative Commons, EIFL, and SPARC to execute a global campaign that promotes the open sharing of climate and biodiversity research, making immediate open access publishing the default. The campaign aims to empower governments, institutions, and activists who currently lead critical climate and biodiversity work, to embed open practices and policies in their operations.



4 years

Advancing open access at galleries, libraries, archives, and museums

To help more of the world’s public art galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM institutions) make their collections data and images available under open Creative Commons licences or waivers.



5 years

Commons Collaborative Archive and Library

To support the development of the Commons Collaborative Archive and Library, a tool for discovery and collaboration that will make the global commons of openly-licensed content more searchable, usable, and resilient, and provide essential infrastructure for collaborative online communities.



2 years

Legal tools for open access to academic publications

To develop legal tools for open access to academic publications



3 years