Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 301-320 of 451 results.

Grant recipient

Documentation of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa.

To create a database of endangered archaeological heritage in the Middle East and North Africa using satellite imagery and on the ground survey.



3 years

Sinai Palimpsest Project open access online publication

To provide open access online publication of multispectral images produced by the Sinai Palimpsest Project, which documents the manuscripts in St. Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai



2 years

Wildlife Defence Programme

To enforce the laws that protect European wildlife and habitats through targeted litigation and other legal interventions, supported and complemented by strategic advocacy and capacity building with partners across Europe.



3 years

History of Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

To support the research and publication of Professor Joseph Dan's multi-volume history of Jewish mysticism and esotericism.



3 years

Core costs

To digitize and give open access to legal documents, technical standards and safety standards that should be in the public domain.



2 years

Documentation of Kalmyk heritage

To document the endangered cultural heritage of the Kalmyks and Oirats, and to create an open-access digital archive of this material.



5 years

Advancing open access

To further open access to scholarly and cultural materials



1 year

Advancing open access

To further open access to scholarly and cultural materials



1 year

Advancing open access

To further open access to scholarly and cultural materials



1 year

Advancing open access

To further open access to scholarly and cultural materials



1 year

Advancing open access

To further open access to scholarly and cultural materials



1 year

Ecosystem connectivity in threatened South American landscapes

To secure new areas of high biodiversity value under conservation management, in collaboration with local partners



3 years

Open Access Initiative



1 year

Wikipedia Zero

To expand Wikipedia Zero, which gives free, mobile access to Wikipedia to people who cannot afford mobile data costs.



1 year

Halcyon Land & Sea

To secure important areas of natural habitat and ensure their associated wildlife will survive.



5 years

Authors Alliance

To improve public access to knowledge by promoting open access.



1 year

Preserving Bhutan's cultural heritage

To document the oral traditions of Bhutan and make the records available for free online.



5 years

National Anthropological Archives

To digitize a collection of ethnographic sound recordings and associated manuscripts and to make it available for free online.



3 years

Historical Ice Core Project

To document and interpret historical environmental data captured in an ice core from a glacier in the Alps.



4 years

Conservation of birds and their habitats

To build the capacity of national Birdlife partners in high-biodiversity countries, to ensure that priority species and habitats are sustainably managed.



6 years