Grants awarded

You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.

We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated March 2025). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.

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Showing 341-360 of 476 results.

Grant recipient

Advancing open access

To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.



1 year

Advancing Open Access at UCLA

To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.



1 year

Core support



1 year

Core support

To support the running costs of the Ukrainian Red Cross.



1 year

Towards the COVID19 Solidarity Response Fund

To support the global response to the COVID-19 crisis.



1 year

Redalyc + AmeliCA

To provide core support to Redalyc and AmeliCA to improve discoverability and open access to journals without author-fees (‘diamond OA’).



10 years

Mapping Pre-Columbian archaeological heritage in South America

To document the pre-Columbian archaeological heritage of South America, focussing on Brazil and Colombia, and make the results freely available online.



3 years

Developing non-destructive methods to read texts in mummy cartonnages

To research non-destructive digital imaging technology to read texts on papyri in mummy cartonnages and make the results freely available online.



2 years

Central Asian Archaeological Landscapes

To document heritage sites in Central Asia, combining archival records and new documentation of sites from aerial and satellite imagery, and make the results freely available online.



5 years

Central Asian Archaeological Landscapes

To document heritage sites in Central Asia, combining archival records and new documentation of sites from aerial and satellite imagery, and make the results freely available online.



5 years

Documentation of endangered historic buildings with frescoes in Shanxi Province, China

To survey and document endangered buildings with frescoes in Shanxi Province from 500-1900 CE, and to create a bilingual database of the records that is freely available online.



6 years

Advancing open access

To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.



1 year

Centre for Primary Research

To support the Library’s Center for Primary Research and Training’s work to improve access to special library collections and train graduate students and scholars in collections management.



5 years

Digitization of Syriac and Arabic manuscripts in Saint Catherine Monastery, Sinai

To digitize the Arabic and Syriac manuscript codices in the library of St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, and make the results freely available online.



3 years

Endowment to Department of History

To support the Millennium Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund and establish the Endowed History Department Chair and the History Department Chair Quasi-Endowment Fund.



5 years

Endowment to Department of History

To support the establishment and ongoing work of the Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in United States History, the Joyce Oldham Appleby Endowed Chair of America in the World, the Hans Rogger International Student Fund in History, the Millennium Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund and the Dean of Social Sciences Fund for Faculty Support in History in the College of Letters and Science.



5 years

International Institute and Department of History

To support a visiting professorship in the International Institute and Department of History.



5 years

Sinai Library Digitization Project

To digitize more of the remaining manuscripts of St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, including newly discovered palimpsests, and make the results freely available online.



3 years

Sinai Palimpsest Project open access online publication

To make multispectral images of manuscripts in the library of St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai, freely available online.



2 years

The Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History

To endow the Ronald J. Mellor Chair in Ancient History at UCLA.



1 year