Grants awarded
You can search below for information about all grants we awarded. Our grants data is also available in csv format here.
We are committed to transparency, and believe that with better information, grant-makers can be more effective decision makers. In 2017 we started to work with 360Giving to publish information about Arcadia grants (last updated July 2024). Arcadia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Arcadia’s grant data, to the extent possible under law, by dedicating it to the public domain with the Creative Commons CC0 waiver. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to use and share.
Conservation training in Madagascar
To train young Malagasy, African and European biologists for careers in conservation.
1 year
Exploration and conservation of African rock art
To support TARA’s digital archive and image library of African rock art.
3 years
Exploration and conservation of African rock art
To provide core support to help TARA’s mission to survey, document and conserve rock art sites across Africa.
2 years
Exploration and conservation of African rock art
To provide core support to help TARA’s mission to survey, document and conserve rock art sites across Africa.
0 years
Publication of African rock art image collection
To work with the British Museum to preserve, curate and share a photographic archive of more than 20,000 African rock art images and make it freely available online.
1 year
Core support
To support the Turquoise Mountain Trust’s work with artisans in Afghanistan, Myanmar and Jordan.
1 year
Post-doctoral fellowships
Towards supporting post-doctoral researchers in the Center for Early Global Studies at UCLA.
5 years
Advancing open acces
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing Open Access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
3 years
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing open access
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Advancing Open Access at UCLA
To promote open access to scholarly and cultural materials.
1 year
Core support
1 year
Towards the COVID19 Solidarity Response Fund
To support the global response to the COVID-19 crisis.
1 year
Redalyc + AmeliCA
To provide core support to Redalyc and AmeliCA to improve discoverability and open access to journals without author-fees (‘diamond OA’).
10 years
Mapping Pre-Columbian archaeological heritage in South America
To document the pre-Columbian archaeological heritage of South America, focussing on Brazil and Colombia, and make the results freely available online.
3 years
Developing non-destructive methods to read texts in mummy cartonnages
To research non-destructive digital imaging technology to read texts on papyri in mummy cartonnages and make the results freely available online.
2 years